Everything is so beautifully green this spring morning, after a little overnight shower.
Everything got a little drink overnight. Yesterday it was a chilly over-cast day, the sky was perfect for picture taking. My picture taking consist of me, in my kitchen, taking pictures through the windows (they might be clearer if I'd wash my windows {sigh}) and my 18mm - 270mm camera lens...I can sneak up on the birds, without scaring them away.
But this little guy (Orchard Oriole) is a tricky guy to sneak up on, even from the inside of the house. He has a keen sense and any movement I make, and he is gone. I'm still trying to get a good picture of him. The Orchard Oriole's are the smallest Orioles...isn't he pretty in his rusty brown vest and black top hat?

And I was excited, beyond excited, to have a pair of these visiting today...

A pair of Indigo Buntings!
I only was able to snap a picture of Daddy. I'm surprised the photo turned out as well as it did, as I was shakin' with pure excitement! I have not seen one of these since I was a young girl. I will spend my Saturday looking for these two I suppose, and taking a picture or two, or three or four if I spot them... They are absolutely iridescently brilliant and their song is like no other...beautiful!

The birds were so nice and plump, with their feathers all poofed out on this chilly spring day...

their way of trying to stay warm...

And they are still hungry...
I'm thinking the old saying "eating like a bird" has taken on a whole different meaning in my humble opinion...

I'm beginning to think they are pigs!
Here is Momma Grosbeak...she looks like an over-grown sparrow, with a big fat, cone-shaped beak...
she's not too showy, nothing special, really...yet still very cute in her own little speckled way...

you must admit,
she's not nearly as pretty as her honey...isn't he stunning? He likes to show off his pretty red bib...

Everybody needs to behave and get along when they are visiting my yard, that is the rule...

Here is the Grosbeaks Boy Choir (as I call them)...all getting along so nicely. Aren't they cute?

and another, visiting right up and close to my window...pecking at a spent hydrangea head.

And here is the Baltimore Boy's Choir...they don't always seem to get along...always fighting over the grape jam and chattering at one another.

And since birds seem to be the top of discussion today...the Mystery Sampler "Birds of a Feather" part I pattern has now made it to the needlework shops! Have you got your copy yet? Inquiring minds want to know!
Have a lovely weekend,