
So... it's quarter til seven

this evening


I'm running


like a

headless rooster...

supper still needs to be made, husbands on the phone with sonny boy and I'm trying to listen to half of that conversation, and it's American Idol night, like in just a few short fifteen minutes. I'm trying to do all of the above at the same time... Probably is going to be another Wednesday night with supper in front of the TV, I'm thinkin...darnit, I think I've reached the age where I need TV trays...I tell the dh that TV dinners are the next step after TV trays. He doesn't seem to find the same humor in the TV tray/TV dinner thing... So the burgers are on the grill, I will try my very best not to burn them...

it is now 10 minutes til seven

and I check the computer

and I see this...

(sorry about photo quality...pretty sure I was shakin with excitement)

I then yell (no, scream) up to the dh, whose still on the phone with the son, "THE EAGLES HATCHING"....husband continues his conversation. I figured he'd jump off the couch, tear down the steps, tell his son he'd have to call him back, to witness the hatching of an eagle. Not. Have I mentioned, the dh isn't as into this as I?? I'm now yelling, NOT NOW...it's almost time for American Idol! So as you can see, at approximately 6:50 PM CST the 3rd egg hatched. Let's just hope this little one can put up with that one naughty sibling....you know the one, the one that needs to spend some time in the time-out chair!

I'm exhausted...this having baby eaglets is exhausting,



  1. This has been the most fun thing to watch! I missed the hatching. Dang it!

  2. I have missed seeing the third egg!1 Now you say it has hatched!! Dang it! Oh! Yes that one wee one does need the time out chair! You have been so informative, thank you! By the way, I do love all the designs you make!

  3. We were wondering at work when the third egg was going to be born. It has been the conversation peace and I know a couple of teachers have let their class watch the Eagle. You do really get attached and I am glad that you told me about it. Take care Your Missouri Friend.

  4. Ok now it bad, I had to call my husband over to tell the third one is coming. You make my day with your updates. This is not something we see here in Southern California.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  5. Brenda,
    Hope you got to watch Am Idol. I saw the hatching live! I was yelling for my hubby,too. He actually came over and watched. He thinks I'm silly!Brenda, you've got to design an Eagle stitchery for the 4th of July in honor of this vigil we've all been keeping. What do you think? It's 10:35pm EST and Mom Eagle hasn't had a nest break all day!Pop dropped off 2 fish at 5:30pm and hasn't come back. Mom squawked at 9:15 and he usually comes when she calls but no dice. She's exhausted, both the eaglets have been pushing their way out for hours,and she's finally gone to sleep,her head laying down on the nest. Haven't gotten a look at #3 out of the shell yet. Are you going to get any stitching done tonight? I sprained my wrist but I'm going to set up a floor frame and try to practice stitch (haven't in about 15 years) before I get some new supplies from you. I'd like to do the bunny pillow with the purple vintage seam tape. I love,love the idea you came up with to trim with that. Happy stitching.
    Warm Regards,

  6. Thank you for the eagle update, I missed the hatching, my household chores are starting to interfere with my eagle viewing. Now I will be worried about that naughty sibling, hope all goes well! Julie

  7. I just don't think husbands are very interested in this stuff. I started watching this one and I also watch a hummingbird cam, and showed both to my husband and he could have cared less. Sigh.

  8. It was exciting to watch.and thanks to you, I now follow this addicitng episode! Seriously, thank you for sharing the link...isn't it amazing!

  9. Oh, we've been watching .... and the t.v. news people reporting on the nest.

    I think those parents will be very busy in the next month.

  10. after reading your blog last night- couldn't resist another note--I saw the 3rd egg had lots of cracks and told my "DH" as our computer is upstairs but we leave the nest on all the time- but as I was punching for a bit- my husband on the phone to our daughter came running down- I thought she had some kind of exciting news but he was trying to tell me the 3rd one had hatched--- by the time I got upstairs-mom was back on--- I thought she was acting wierd yesterday but maybe because it was time for the 3rd-- but at least this morning #3 looks pretty good- so fingers crossed--- nancy from Indiana -but the camera keeps going off today!!

  11. I must have the best DH because he IS interested in my reports (or at least he pretends to be!) Thank you for sharing this site. I took my laptop over to my mom's last weekend to share with her. She's 89 and was amazed by the wonder of actually viewing these beautiful birds. I visit your blog daily to see what quips and comments you share. You, too, are amazing!


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