
The one that got away...

During nap-time the Easter Bunny came to Grandma B's house.

He hid brightly colored, treasure-filled eggs...
He hid them in the rocks...
In the bushes...
Under the sun-dial...
There were 12 eggs in all.


we could only find 11.
Hmmmm...where is the 12th egg?

It's up in a tree...

in a squirrel's mouth!
The egg that got away!

Question of the day...do squirrels get sick when they eat chocolate????

Have a good week,


  1. I laughed so hard I cried!!! kelley

  2. What a great memory to have made.

  3. Awesome pictures and what great memories. Thanks for sharing!
    Prim Blessings

  4. Cute pictures and a funny story! I think squirrels can eat anything. One year the squirrels in our neighborhood were so bad they chewed through the tops of our heavy plastic garbage cans to get to the garbage. I don't think the chocolate will hurt them!

  5. HA! I can see that little guy going all squirrelly after eating that chocolate, swinging from tree to tree. You know what it does to kids...That is too, too funny.

  6. that is really something AND to get it caught on a picture too! Priceless...

  7. Great story....and so glad to see photos of Beckham again!!!

  8. aww that is sooo cute :) and can't tell you the answer to your question either .. great photos of a great memory :) love mouse xxx

  9. Well that's almost a Beatrix Potter story - there should be a moral though and being sick after stealing chocolate might just be what he deserves! Bit like Peter Rabbit after too much lettuce!

  10. Oh my HECK! That is one of the most remarkable things (and funniest!) I've seen in a while! And that squirrel must have been quick...not like those eggs were out there for days....It doesn't seem that mice are any worse for the wear eating chocolate...so I doubt your little squirrel will be either. (And that could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your perspective...) Great photos!
    Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  11. I hope the squirrels get sick with they eat chocolate; the little thief! I am not a fan of squirrels - they wreak havoc around my house but I think yours have taken "aggressive" to a new level.

  12. What a precious little one. The squirrel cracked me up - good thing he only nabbed one!

  13. Awwww, how adorable he looks hunting for eggs. I hope the squirrel didn't get sick! Silly thief! Glad you had good enough weather to get outside. It rained off and on all day here.

  14. Love the little egg hunt story. the fact that you caught the squirrel in the act is amazing! Your darling boy will be hearing that story for the rest of his life!

  15. That is so cute and so funny.



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