
All in a weekend of work...

As I mentioned a couple of posts ago, I had the urge to create something for Autumn. Here is a peek at the design, in it's very early stages. There are plans of 4 samplers in this series...

~ one for each season ~

Their release dates will be on the first day of the new season, but always working one season ahead.

Autumn Sampler - Release date June 20, 2011

Winter Sampler- Release date September 22, 2011

Spring Sampler - Release date December 21, 2011

Summer Sampler - Release date March 20, 2012

The sampler size has a stitch count of 190 wide X 196 high. All will be of similar size. I have chosen a 35 count linen by R & R Reproductions with Gentle Arts flosses used throughout. The sampler size isn't too overwhelming, making it possible to get each season's sampler done in the 3 month span between releases. How fun...a new piece to hang upon your walls, as we usher in the next new season.

Well it's bright & sunny here, but another windy day on the open prairies of Iowa. Still patiently waiting for the 3rd eaglet to emerge. Boy, lot's of meat choices at the eagle residence...anyone have any idea what yesterday's meat of choice was?? The thing that was laying stiff legged, feet straight up in the air!!

Must toodle loo folks, there are orders needing to be filled...off to work I go, Brenda


  1. I absolutely love what I can see of this sampler! You have an amazing talent, and I'm so glad you share it with the cross stitching world!

  2. I definitely like what I see. I can't wait to see them all. I just love all of your patterns.

  3. Can't wait to see that sampler! I love it already just seeing the horse and cart and the farmer!

  4. Love the sneak peek! As for the critter with its feet in the air...our household believes it was a ground hog:-)

  5. Brenda,
    My guess is that a muskrat has been added to the smorgasbord. My they have hearty appetites, just wish they would tiddy up a bit. Julie

  6. Hi,Brenda -
    This sampler is sure to be another winner! I don't know which is my favorite of your designs.
    On the subject of Eagle Family: down e live feed screen is a plethera of info on the eagle and this couple's history. They've been together since 2007 and to date have raised 8 fledglings.This will make 11 after these leave the nest. By the way, that next weighs ONE AND A HALF TONS! The male has a black ring around his eyes and the female is bigger and she has a grey shadow around her eyes ('case anyone wants to keep track of who's nest sitting). They are just like our babies, they wake up every 3 hours for a feeding. I saw the dad feeding them yesterday, from the dead brown carcass;it is a groundhog, the mom brought it back after dad took over at 7:30a.m. On the sidebar they have videos of eagles taking down fox, deer and wolves (kitty and doggy watch out)
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B.,Western MA

  7. According to a news story I saw on the eagles, the animal with its legs in the air is a muskrat, very common along the rivers edge.

  8. Thanks, Anonymous, we were wrong.
    Let's hope they don't bring anything bigger up there. It was cool when the eagle brought it up there yesterday morning. No,Brenda,we don't think more about the birds than your samplers!!
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B.,Western MA

  9. Sounds like another fun project! I've already signed up for the mystery sampler - can't WAIT for that to start and this one looks like I may have to jump on board as well!

  10. I have to say that I love your designs and I'm always waiting to see what you are going to do next....But now You have me not only hocked on all the new thing you are working on... I must check on the eagle about a hundred times a day ....And today I saw her eat the yummy fish and the best part I saw the little chicks ...I loved it...Thanks for one more obsession, Nancy


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