
My yesterday...

I have little daily rituals, routines or what ever one wants to call them. One being, I stop at a local gas station across the street from Country Stitches, and pick up a cup of coffee to sip as I'm invoicing orders each morning. Yep, gas station coffee... no Starbucks in my town!
Yesterday, as I thumbing through change in the bottom of my purse to locate 85 cents, the store clerk say $1.06...my response, "oh that's just coffee"...thinking, she's thinking, I have cappuccino...she says our coffee prices went up. Wowser... I thought, and now I'm scrounging for a green back and change!
So....the price of oil keeps going up, but is there some news about coffee beans that I'm missing out on?

So... I pay the buck six and am on my merry way to work...thinking the whole time, jeeper socks, that's over a 20% price increase!! The coffee is good... don't get me wrong and I enjoyed every drop of it!

Then my day gets better, worse, however you want to look at it... I received word from our Valdani distributor that floss prices are going up 40 cents per ball April 2nd. Okay... now I'm wired with caffeine from my expensive cup of coffee, and stressing over another major price increase. Two in one day is almost more then I could handle... When this happens, all kit pricing in our printed patterns is wrong and needs to be re figured and pattern editing needs to happen, all prices on our website are no longer correct and need to be changed (that is, if we follow suit and increase pricing)...this in itself is a major major undertaking. With that being said, it might just be easier to take the loss...

Wishing for a better "news type of day" today & I will remember a line my big sister sent me that goes like this...

"Worry is a waste of the imagination"

And really... in the whole scheme of things, with all the trajedy and loss in Japan, it is all trivial and shame on me for stressing over something such as small as this...there are much bigger problems in this world!

Happy Saint Patty's Day,



Did any of you see the eagle bring up a furry creature for the other to eat last evening...it was somewhat out of the viewing but you could see the fur a flying...This morning the male arrived with a large stick in his mouth to add to the nest...housekeeping. Also, a couple evenings ago I spotted a coyote run across the screen near dusk time. A few minutes later you could hear the coyotes howling...neat sights and sounds of nature. For those of you who missed the link, here it is:



  1. I do find it a little scary as a retiree to see the rate at which prices rise! I am liking my stash more and more too! If you need another eagle cam fix, here is one I watch... http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.org/e-community/eagle-cam
    We visited here last spring.

  2. I was watching the Eagle and at 4:22 today he raised up out of the nest and there were three eggs. I was so excited. Sent the link to my grandchildren so they could watch

  3. We do seem to have a price increase on just about everything and I really wonder how much is fabricated to make you think it is tied to all of the problems in the world. With crafting you have to be careful if you increase a price or you can price yourself out of the market.I tried to asborb the incrase if I possibly can.I will have to pay more attention to what I pay for my coffee at the gas station. I stop and pick one up as I am going to work. Thanks for the info. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.

  4. Not to be Debbie Downer but I read sometime last year that coffee prices were going to gradually increase due to some blight to some coffee crop somewhere. I can't recall the exact details but I have noticed the grocery store coffee prices increasing over the last few months.


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