They're here...
"Home for the Holidays"
"Partridge in a Pear Tree"
"Snow Day"
"Needles & Pins Heart Pinkeep"
Home for the Holidays Blog Hop

Home for the Holidays Quilt Designer Line Up!
Nov 2nd * Brenda Gervais from www.withthyneedleandthread.blogspot.com
Nov 5th * Debbie Field from www.granolagirldesigns.blogspot.com
Nov 9th * Jan Patek from www.janpatek.blogspot.com
Nov 12th * Kathy Schmitz from www.kathyschmitzstudio.blogspot.com
Nov 16th * Renee Plains from www.libertystar.typepad.com
Nov 19th * Tracy from www.plumcutedesigns.typepad.com
Nov 22nd * Lisa Bongean from www.lisabongean.wordpress.com
Nov 26th * Lynda Hall from www.primitivepiecesbylynda.blogspot.com
Nov 29th * Cheri Saffiote-Payne from www.quiltsbycheri.blogspot.com
Dec 3rd * Tara Darr from www.sewuniquecreationsblog.com
Dec 7th * Debbie Busby from www.woodenspooldesigns.blogspot.com
Dec 10th * Stacy West from www.buttermilkbasin.blogspot.com
Mark your calendars for November 2ND and join me right
here on my blog as I kick off 10 days of Home for the Holidays fun!
With thy Needle & Thread,
Mark your calender...

With thy Needle & Thread,
A snowy forecast!!

Have a good day,
ALSO...a BIG thank you to all my blogging friends for your concerns, thoughts and prayers for my Dad. He is back home once again, wearing a heart monitor for 48 hours and then back to the clinic for a follow up. Hoping things get turned around with his heart rhythm. Talked to him on the phone last evening and he sounds good and is in good spirits... THANKS AGAIN!
My new treasure & a crazy AM...

Our day at Pumpkin Fest

Just beyond where I was doing my farming on my tractor was the Billy Goat Haven. There were goats everywhere! I knew goats could climb, but jeepers I had no idea how high they like to climb. I'm getting pretty good at climbing myself...

Meet Mama sheep...

Guess what chickens that live at an apple orchard eat for treats?? Apple peelings, silly!! I had a hard time taking my eye off this chicken...the one with the silly hairdo.

I liked the ducks. They just quietly swam in their pond without making too much farmyard noise. I was even brave enough to go right up to the fence and watch...

Grandma Brenda likes this picture...here she did some editing to the photo. She wants to get this picture printed real big-like and hang it in her house.

Yet another goat...

A brand new, still wobbly-legged, baby goat and it's momma...

After we were done farming and feeding the animals it was time for our hay ride around the farm. Now I was pretty excited about riding on a "cocka" (tractor) but when you get right down to it, I was scared. Shhh....don't tell anyone!

After the hayride we went to the Feed Bunk and grabbed some lunch. I ordered a grilled cheese, fresh Iowa sweet corn and homemade apple sauce. Here I am drinking my apple sauce...
Just a little heads up...
but our lips are zipped!
Blog fun
is coming
your way,
beginning November 2nd!
New Arrivals...

Box of Doodles...
Now there is no organization to her box,
Her so-called
So she will spend this beautiful Autumn day
Her needle is calling her,
I'm wearing a hat today...
Joy Ride...
a joy ride,
as my mother called them.
Our journey took us a few miles north to two little communities situated in the Little Sioux River valley. The color was spectacular. With a wetter then normal summer, we are still mowing and enjoying lush green lawns, a lovely contrast to the shades of the leaves.
Come along and enjoy our Sunday Joy Ride...

The weatherman says we are in for another nice week. Last year at this time we already had snow...so we just keep enjoying each and every nice day and keep our fingers crossed that the snow awaits us.
Have a good week,