
A visit to the farm...

My name is Beckham and I am 8 months old...soon to be 9. I am filling in as a guest blogger for Grandma Brenda today as she is busy with design work...whatever that is!

Today's blog is going to be about my visit to great Grandma Millie & Great Grandpa Lyle's farm for the annual threshing bee.
After my morning breakfast and bath we loaded up the vehicle and headed to Minnesota so I could see what this threshing bee stuff is all about...

We pulled into Great grandma & grandpa's driveway and oh my...

there were bright & shiny tractors everywhere!

There were red tractors, orange tractor, yellow tractors & green tractors...I didn't know grandpa's still played with tractors...that is pretty cool!

There was even a tractor parade!

They drove the old tractors around the big tent and each person explained their tractor.

Here is great grandpa Lyle talking about his tractor...

See that twinkle in his eye...same twinkle he has when I come to visit!

Grandpa Lyle has two shiny orange tractors...I can hardly wait until I'm old enough to ride on one!

I like how grandpa wears his shirt...I wear mine this way sometimes too!

Here is what makes a threshing bee a threshing bee...

My mommy says I can help pitch bundles of oats into the machine when I get big & strong.

Momma says I can jump into the pile of straw when I get older too...

These threshing bees are lots of fun! There were a lot of grandpa's farming the old fashioned way so young ones like me can see how things were done way back when...

There was more then just threshing at great grandpa's farm.

There were lots of people...

There was lots of food...bratwurst, hamburgers, beans & potato chips AND

I couldn't seem to take my eye off of the man in charge of cutting the watermelon...

He had a continual stream of watermelon juice dripping from his chin...

Just like me...except mine is drool...mommy keeps telling me it's just because I am teething.

This threshing is hard work to begin with and then it had to be 100 degrees out...

So I just took my shirt off and that made it way cooler...not sure why no one else thought of this!

I brought my Canon digital camera so I could take lots of pictures for Grandma's blog...
I felt like the paparazzi....

I took pictures of people that slept in a tee pee. They were dressed in funny costumes and cooked their meals in a big black kettle over a fire. They make peach cobbler over the fire and well if anyone knows me...they know I LOVE my peaches!

I took pictures of a grandpa making rope.

There were people making wrought iron tools...

And the best part of the threshing bee were the animals in Grandpa's grove...

There were pens of cute little kid goats...just my size!

They had baby size horns on the tops of their fuzzy little heads...

There was a pen of donkey's...or are they mules?? Hmmm...I always get those confused.

And then there was my favorite...a pen of sheep!

Their ears feel just like the soft edges of my blanky...

Now I know this picture may lead you to think that I didn't like the sheep...

but really

I am crying just because it was time to say good-bye to the sheep, really...

Well I'm rubbing my eyes, it must be nap time...

so I had better wrap this story up...

I'm looking forward to next year...

when I won't have to be so dependant on Mommy & I can run through Great Grandpa Lyle's grove in my striped bib overalls...




  1. A heart warming and clever post, thank you Beckham. I like sheep the best too, and watermelon, my favorite tractors are the red ones:) Sweet Dreams...

  2. How fun to see what Grandma did, through Beckham's eyes. He is such a cutie.


  3. What a great story teller you are Beckham. Such a cutie patoody too! I love tractors also, especially the old time ones that look like Mater in "Cars". Have you seen Lightning McQueen yet? "Sheep Dreams" Beckham!!!

  4. Oh that Beckham can sure write..he is so cute..I loved the photo of him looking at the goats and seeing his little rootbeer belly..that I just want to give a squeeze too..this was such a fun post...maybe Beckham could do it again..:)

  5. Awesome, Brenda. You and Beckham make us all want to come next year. I love tractors and especially sheep.


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