
It's so fun being a Grandma!

While I don't get to see this little one as often as I'd like, I do enjoy calls from his Mommy several times a week to keep me updated on all the new things he is learning...some good & some well not so good. Beckham has decided he doesn't like his car seat...oh no! He does eventually fall asleep...that is until you get stuck at a red stop light and then he awakens & the complaining begins again...doesn't want to be in his car seat!

Yesterday was a beautiful day...a beautiful day for mom & dad to take the little one on a stroller ride. You know the fancy strollers the young couples use these days? The ones where the car seat becomes the stroller seat. The car seat faces backwards in the stroller, like the car, until they become older. Did I mention he doesn't like his car seat...the stroller ride lasted approximately 2 blocks. Mom & Dad gave into the complaining, that turned into crying, and headed home much sooner then they anticipated. They got home, took him out of his stroller & gives his mommy a big smile and laugh, with tears still wet upon his cheeks! If Beckham only knew how much his mother has looked forward to warmer weather so she could take her little one on a stroller ride....

In a later phone conversation with my sister, we pondered if he would enjoy the stroller ride experience in a stroller that wasn't his car seat.

You know, one of these....

the type we used when our kids were little! The Umbrella Stroller! Granted it wasn't exactly one of these....

But the umbrella stroller seemed to worked great, they were nice and light weight and you didn't have to drive a SUV just so you had a place big enough to store the thing while traveling with it.

We even still have an umbrella stroller hanging in the rafters of the garage at Grandma's house...the one that I used when Uncle Matthew was a baby! It even is a boy one....blue denim, perfect! Hmmmm......

My sister then reminded me of this

and then asked me if I would have thought about using this to push my babies around in..

or this.....

(ahhh....I loved that old buggy! I spent many hours of my childhood using it as my "pretend" lawnmower!)

I then decided that the umbrella stroller thought was probably just that....a thought! And you can be the one to guess my answer to my sister's question!

have a good week,



  1. Brenda you have a good week too. I remember all those old things too except things here in the U.K. were definitely different but I got used to them real fast. Anyway I have a question please. You know your dh bought you those Magnifying Glasses for your birthday. Well can you wear them over normal glasses or don't you wear glasses? I have trifocal glasses and astigmatism too so I wondered whether they would work over my glasses. Thanks a lot and much love Patti xxx

  2. Patti,
    I do wear glasses(with bifocals)and you can do it either way...over glasses or without. You just use the lense magnification that works best with your glasses or without.

  3. That is the most precious baby picture! I'm bettin' the umbrella stroller would be a hit!


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