
A fun-filled Friday....

I popped in on my sister Sandra Friday for a fun-filled visit. A trip to her house usually means a trip to Country Threads in Garner, Iowa. More on this later....

We shopped the shops of Algona & also Britt, Iowa (Hobo capital of the world) before making our way to Garner.
I am finding that upon entering stores I am now gravitating towards anything that is baby boy blue, cuddly & soft....hmmmmm, doesn't have anything to do with becoming a new grandma does it?

My first find is this sweet little SLEEP SHEEP ON THE GO. The lamb makes the following 4 sounds of nature:

CALM - soft, gentle stream sound that promotes a serene, peaceful rest
SLEEP - spring showers sound that creates a cozy, relaxed atmosphere
ANOTHER SLEEP SOUND - Calm ocean waves sound that provides an ideal & tranquil setting
RELAX - harmonious whale song that relaxes mind & spirit
This little guy is made from the softest, woolly fabric and Velcro's onto a stroller or car seat.

I think Grandma might strap this to her bedpost before gifting it, for when I'm having one of those tossing & turning, too hot in these jammies, can't sleep type of nights! Works for little ones, should work for old ones too....right!??

Then there was this little guy...talk about soft! What little one, that is a bit cranky, with teething pains wouldn't absolutely love chewing on this teething ring? Yeah, that is what I thought too...so I bought it!

PLUS as sister Sandra pointed out it matches the baby quilt Great Grandma Millie made...another reason I needed this!

Baby quilt made by my mother, Millie. Another fun-filled day in August was spent with sister Sandra & Mother as we traveled from quilt shop to quilt shop in rural Iowa picking blue fabrics for the background of this quilt. A fun & memorable day for sure!

Then there was this plate... what mother & young child wouldn't love putting freshly baked cookies upon it for Santa? Yep, that is what I thought too!

After a lunch of chicken salad, wild rice soup, homemade wheat roll & carrot cake dessert we finally made it to our final destination,
Country Threads Quilt Shop

As we were walking up the lane to the quilt shop, Mary & Connie shouted out to "come in". The two were in their design studio working on a fresh & springy new quilt design. These two women are a hoot & always have fun stories to share.

I'm not sure which I like more...all the quilt fabric/patterns or her 18 cats. As we entered the building that houses the civil war reproduction fabrics a very beautiful long haired cat pops out of a wicker basket that she was taking her afternoon nap in. She stood up & did her stretch and greeted us in her very own cat way! I seemed to have befriended a certain calico cat (with a squeaky sort of meow) in the main shop and she followed me from building to building. You just never know where you may find a cat curled up & napping!

The summer time is a great time to visit "Threads" as the geese are on the pond, the goats are outside, the quilts are hanging on the fences, and Mary's extensive (and I mean extensive) collection of succulents is on display outside her home.

If you love fabric, quilting, rural life, farm animals & cats and haven't made the trip to Country Threads in Garner Iowa, you do need to put it on your lists of things to do in your lifetime...you won't be disappointed!

In the civil war reproduction building I found these three pieces of fabric that I felt my "stash" needed. I never really have a plan for fabric when I buy it. I buy it because I simply like it & with hopes it will be an inspiration for the next pattern design. I'm thinking perhaps clothing for a primitive rabbit...maybe even with a little bit of cross stitch here & there...we shall see!

Now my shopping bags not only include fabric, but soft cuddly sheep, teething rings, Santa plates & MORE fabric.

Off to create,


  1. Sounds like you had a very fun day. Love the alligator quilt.

  2. I can see someone is going to get spoiled, lol.
    Love the quilt and all the gifts to match.

    I have seen Country Threads in the magazine, what fun to be able to go there. Love the fabrics you picked out.


  3. I am so glad to find your blog!! I LOVE your patterns (I have LOTS of em) and now I LOVE you blog! Congrats on your new grandson--those sockmonkey shoes are just the best! It was so much fun to read some of your recent posts--I was really glad to see the Rollo on Pretzel recipe---I had made those a long time ago and had forgotten about them---and the other recipes, too!!
    Best wishes for a great New Year! Dana

  4. I am so jealous that you got to go to Country Threads! I doubt I ever get there but I do their patterns!


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