
Putting on a show...

After a couple of nice rainy days & cooler temperatures the flowers seem to be putting on their last show, before Jack Frost arrives! I always like to take pictures of my flowers this time of year, reminds me what flowers did good and which didn't do so good.

Impatients & a new type of begonia that I tried this year (sorry, can't remember the name). The begonia has bloomed and bloomed all summer. Plan on planting more of these next year!

The hanging baskets are a miniature impatients and a little hummingbird that is migrating through visits these. He busily sucks the nectar for some time and when his little wings become tired he sits on the railing and keeps an eye on the baskets...very fun to watch! These are amazing little creatures.These hostas were recovered from an area in our yard that was being re-landscaped a couple of years ago. The landscaper felt that they were very old plants, yet good cultivers. He suggested that we should try saving them. They were dug up and moved to a new area in our yard and they have never looked better...they have been beautiful all summer long. They are a beautiful shade of green and our now putting forth their pretty white blossoms.

Red & blue salvia...this is the first year that I planted this in this garden and they did quite well. I am one who likes to try new flowers in new beds each year. Below these flowers, the tulip and daffodil bulbs are resting and hopefully will put on a pretty show next spring. Last spring was not a good growing season for the bulbs, too cold with a late springtime snow.

More begonias.....
Red & white impatients....we have a very shaded lawn and impatients are always a good flower of choice for our yard.
Viburnum Bush
A couple of days ago I was looking out my kitchen window to see one of these bushes just a moving away and then I spotted a robin jumping up and down, plucking the berries from the bush. This is a Verburnum bush and has pretty white flowers in the spring and provides bright red berries for the birds in the colder months when seed and bugs become sparse.
Already looking forward to when the new seed catalogs arrive....it gets me through the long Iowa winters!

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