Been up since 5 bells.
Couldn't sleep.
I'm giddy,
because Frances is framed!
So pretty.
Been just waitin' for the sun to rise...
Waitin' for dawn to break
into a nice partially sunny morning sky (hopefully),
and then it's outside for Frances and I.
Time for a little morning photo shoot session.
After 30 or 40 photos are shot,
then a little photo editing.
I'll then drop the photo into the pattern cover template,
that I've created
for Frances Pool.
I'll digitally send the photo to my big printer at work,
and let the printing begin!
What did I do before modern technology?
When I started designing patterns 25 years ago,
I was typing on an old fashioned typewriter,
using white out,
when the font of choice was Courier...
because it was the only font of choice!
I really felt like I had something
when I upgraded to a new typewriter
that had the built-in correction tape!
And then,
came along the digital camera,
I use my Canon everyday.
Lots of hard work and long days
go into a chart from beginning to finished product.
On the upside of doing all this "stuff" myself
(photo shoot, graphics and printing product),
I can pick a framed sampler up one day,
and by days end of the next,
I have charts!
"Thank You" to all who participated in our Cyber Monday shopping event. So many loyal customers, we are glad to be your source of stitchin' goodies...thank you, thank you!
Have a good day everyone,