

Well, hi there!


Yea, brought a few patterns home to bag.

Need help?

Sure, you want to collate or bag?

Well actually, I was thinking more along the lines of rubber banding...

Can you count to 12?


 count out twelve patterns
 and then put a rubber band around each bundle
 of 12.

I can't believe she fell for this!
Stupid humans.

Let's see here...

she said
 12 patterns per bundle,

I just need a little mouth/paw coordination
and I should be good to go,

here we go...
she wants these rubber bands where?
Does she have any idea how bad these rubber bands taste?

this pattern
 folding & bagging
 business is for the birds...
Did I say birds?
That's what I should be doing right now,
bird watching...

What are you doing?

 we don't play with the rubber bands...

 shooting rubber bands

Yea, yea, yea....

What's that ?
Dave Letterman?
You think you're ready
for stupid pet tricks
 on the
Dave Letterman show?
(human mom is trying not to laugh)

How many rubber band shooting cats do you know?

Just one,
that would be
 favorite fur child!

Have a good evening,


Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

LOL. What a pretty helper!

Roxanne said...

What a great helper. I'll never look at rubber bands the same way. :)

Phyllis said...

Very cute helper!

Raymond Homestead said...

Lol! Too cute!

marly said...

What a beauty. Love those brown leggings with beige booties.

grandma peden's porch said...

Just what I needed thanks for the chuckle. Kinda looks like my Simon I used to have.

Unknown said...

ouch! :)

gracie said...

Love it!

Grit said...


Liebe Grüße Grit

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Lol ~ great photos of your fur baby helper!!!

cucki said...

So sweetttt xxx

Vickie said...

hahaha cute!♥

Me and My Stitches said...

She is beautiful - and such a big help!

Anonymous said...

Oh Brenda... I almost burst out crying when I saw your kitty playing with the rubber bands. I had a kitty JUST LIKE YOURS - her name was Harriet! She loved rubber bands.. (would eat one once in awhile..ick!) We no longer have her...we lost her last year. I sure miss her. Thanks for sharing your sweet little one with us. (sniffle....)

Homespun Handcrafts said...

What ever would we do without our fur babies? They can make us smile like no one else can and give us so much love. I love your witty commentary too!

Unknown said...

Wouw wat a lovely kat

Véro L said...

my cat "litchee" is just crazy about rubber bands!!
it's "her" favorite toys

Hilary said...

LOVE it!!!! Beautiful furball!

valerie said...

OMGosh...too funny! Love seeing your fur child trying to help. She is so floofy and pretty!

Lynn D said...

I always sigh when someone sticks their nose in someone's business and gives them unsolicited advice. I have sworn (except I don't really swear) that I will never do it.

However, I just have to tell you this. Rubber bands are extremely dangerous to cats. You can do a search on *are rubber bands dangerous for cats* and see what I mean. I haven't lost a cat from this but I have witnessed the vet telling someone what their cat didn't survive the surgery after a rubber band twisted up the cat's intestines.

I don't know if your cat ate one or not but based on my experience, cat's love the smell of rubber bands and many are known to eat them.

I promise you that my motivation for writing this is only that I love cats.

Lynn in Alabama

teeer said...
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