I have always wanted to visit the next county south of me to see the Barn Quilts of Sac County, Iowa. My sister Sandy (from Pieces from My Heart) & I did just that one Sunday afternoon while she was visiting.
What are the Barn Quilts of Sac County you ask? The barn quilt blocks are constructed from 8 foot square pieces of plywood and painted mostly in bright primary colors so to be seen easily when passing by. The committee selects a barn or corn crib to place the blocks. The building must be 50 years old, in good condition & on a hard surface road. The blocks are painted by students, local 4-H members & various volunteer groups.
I came home with a new appreciation of old barns. In talking with one of the farmers who has a barn quilt, he mentioned that Iowa looses 1000 barns a year...now that was astounding! A piece of rural Americana is being lost at a rapid rate. This little trip through the Iowa countryside aroused my curiosity and I wanted to know more about the history of the barn. I did a Google search and found some very interesting sites about barns & their history.
We had a dairy barn on our farm growing up as a child. We sat in the milk house as Mom & Dad milked the cows and it was our job to make sure the Mama Kitties bowl was filled with fresh whole milk. I can still remember the smell of that milk house...funny how some things just don't escape one! Many hours were also spent in the haymow in search of Mama Kitties babies.
Of the 55 quilt barns, we visited 30 0f them and plan to take in the remainder on her next visit. With map in hand & tall glasses of ice tea off we went and had a great time. Come along and take a picture tour with me....
Click on pictures to see a larger image!
Hens & Chicks
Farm Friendliness
Andy Williams birthplace - Wall Lake, IA

Starry Path
State Fair

The above signs are at the end of the driveways of the farms that are part of the Sac County Barn Quilt project. The sign gives the name of the block featured on the barn.
The wild flowers in the Iowa road ditches are in full bloom...couldn't resist snapping this photo!

Hope you enjoyed the Barn Quilts of Sac County tour. If you are ever in the area be sure to visit these or visit their website for more information.

19 smaller Community Quilts are can be found in the towns in Sac County hear historic or public sites.
Variable Star
This quilt block is not an "official" Sac County barn quilt but was very eye catching. This block was at the end of the farmers driveway and the old implement & Russian sage is a beautiful backdrop for the block.

Hope you enjoyed the Barn Quilts of Sac County tour. If you are ever in the area be sure to visit these or visit their website for more information.
Until next time,
Brenda Gervais